Wednesday, October 15, 2008

math 17 cu1 final exam (1st0809)

I just finished checking the final exams of my math 17 class for this semester

19 out of 36 (who took the exam) PASSED

but its not the determining factor whether the student passed or failed in my class.

it's just 30% of their final grade...

some of them actually need a negative score just to pass.. haha..

now, let me go back to the exam...

too bad, the highest in my class is 90/100

whom i did not expect to be top1 in the finals... well, there are just other students who i think could get higher than that..

but NO! hehe..
the students i expected to be on top, just became careless in the exam.

they got 89, 88.5, 88... funny for me... haha...

now, the person who got the highest score in my class is the first one to submit his paper...

and also, I already finished the grades in math17cu1!!!!

here's the tally of grades:

1.00 ===== 2
1.25 ===== 5
1.50 ===== 3
1.75 ===== 2
2.00 ===== 3
2.25 ===== 3
2.50 ===== 4
2.75 ===== 3

3.00 ===== 6

4.00 ===== 4

5.00 ===== 2 (1 is due to excessive absences/stopped attending classes)

Total ........ 37

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